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Joven superó la anorexia y ahora inspira su transformación


Margherita Barbieri buscaba ser la bailarina de ballet más famosa, pero terminó en los huesos producto de una anorexia provocada por las exigencias de la disciplina.

Mira también: En VÍDEO, joven lanzó una silla por la ventana para ganar “likes”

La joven mostró un talento innato, durante su preparación sus profesores le señalaron que era demasiado grotesca, por lo que repentinamente la joven dejó de comer.


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This badass fireball is 1 YEAR ANOREXIA FREE and damn girl recovered looks good on you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️???☄️☄️? I officially began my recovery (truthfully dedicated myself to recovery without ‘faking it’) when I left Elmhurst Ballet School back in May 2016, almost 3 years ago now. But being ‘in recovery’ is very different to being ‘recovered’ and every suffer knows that recovering is much harder than suffering- it’s a long process and one that can’t be solved with a ‘quick fix’… because you will fizzle and bang straight back into relapse. #truth #noquickfix #willpower Battling against the voice vs obeying the voice… gosh I’ve never faced anything more excruciating OR BEAUTIFUL. It took me 18 months to fully restore my weight and it took me a further few months afterward to complete my mental treatment with my therapist and since then I’ve now had ONE WHOLE YEAR back dancing again AND free from anorexia… After years and years of her voice drilling holes in my head and burning craters in my soul I can honestly say hand on heart I DON’T MISS HER. I really truly utterly don’t miss it, not even in the slightest. (I still see my beautiful treatment team from time to time to catch up – but on good notes) ❤️ I’m really loving my mind being solely filled with my own thoughts, which I encourage to be as gentle and intuitive as possible. My mind is now a gorgeous little library crammed with books about the arts, inspiration from my friends, family and mentors. There’s torn out pages with quotes and positive affirmations. All the fairy lights are on and the candles are burning, I can hide away in my mind now and keep a smile on my face. I can be ‘up there’ and dream and imagine ‘good stuff’. My mind used to be a pitch black chamber of scribbled self hate notes, daily calorie calculations and books filled with fears. I would hide up there in stuck in negativity and nightmares… and for years I never came out. There was no inspiration, no light and no dreams… but then I refreshed my library and changed my life. HALLELUJAH! #newbooks I’m happily badass, beautiful and me! Just me! ? #anorexiawarrior #1yeartoday #findyourfreedom

Una publicación compartida de Margherita Barbieri ? (@alwaysmargi) el